Driver Rehabilitation & Driving Lessons
Driving Occupational Therapy Services provides Occupational Therapists who have completed further Certification to work as Driver Rehabilitation Therapists, & also provides Certified Driving Instructors with experience in Driver Rehabilitation. We specialize in the assessment and remediation of people with medical conditions or physical impairments who wish to begin or return to driving safely and legally.
- A comprehensive assessment of driving skills, knowledge and abilities
- Specialty driver remediation tailored to address the individual's specific needs
- Advice on vehicle modifications and driving aids, including experience with training in their safe and legal use
- Advice and information for people undergoing a Department of Transport Practical Driving Assessment (PDA)
- Application of cognitive and behavioral management strategies in driving
- Preparation for older drivers with education in positioning and defensive driving
A Driver Rehabilitation Program may be required following the Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment and may include:
- Learning to drive a modified vehicle e.g. spinner knob, hand controls, altered foot pedals, altered clutch, drive from wheelchair conversion etc.
- Learning specialized driving techniques e.g. use of additional mirrors for blind spot checks, pain management strategies with or without appropriate driving aides, strategies for decision making in complex driving environments etc.
- Improving driver confidence or managing anxiety
- Preparation to sit a Department of Transport Practical Driving Assessment (PDA) or other driving assessment
- Learning strategies such as defensive driving to compensate for slowed motor, visual or cognitive processing
- Learning strategies and reference points to overcome visual or physical changes
- Learning cognitive behavioral techniques to manage different driving situations
The difference between Driver Rehabilitation and standard Driving Lessons is that the Driving Instructor and Occupational Therapist have special training in the area of disability and medical conditions. Most often the Driving Instructor or Occupational Therapist has a rehabilitation background. The Occupational Therapist has completed national training in driver education and the driving instructors have completed further training in the implications of medical conditions on driving.
Driver Rehabilitation target physical, visual, sensory, behavioral or cognitive changes. Where as standard Driving Lessons only target the person's knowledge about the vehicle and road environment. Driving Occupational Therapy Services has its own modified vehicles to suit a variety of requirements, inlcuding:
- Hand controls for acceleration and brake
- Left foot accelerator pedals
- Steering wheel aids (variety of types)
- Spinner knobs with electronic indicators
- Transferring aids and driving aids
Contact Driving Occupational Therapy Services direct and you may be entitled to subsidised fees via the: Disability Equipment Grant (DEG); Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA); Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA); Employment Assistance Fund (JobAccess); WorkCover WA; or Private Health Rebates (depending on ancillary cover).
Phone: (08) 9332 1783 Fax: (08) 9332 6548 Email: [email protected] Main Office: 2 Gracechurch Ave, Leeming WA 6149 Mail: PO Box 254, Hamilton Hill WA 6963 |